… on organizing and curating the 18th XPOSED Queer Film Festival Berlin. First of all: We love to do it. Secondly, we often face barriers to doing it. And thirdly, we involuntarily, sometimes unknowingly, uphold obstacles for others to be a part of it. We’d like to change both, which is an ongoing process. If you have critical feedback, please approach us during the festival, drop us a note anonymously in our feedback box at Moviemento or send us an email to

We’d like to support filmmakers from all walks of life and films from all over the world. Unfortunately, within queer film production, certain regions are heavily underrepresented. The same is true for trans, inter and non-binary filmmakers, filmmakers from working-class families, and disabled filmmakers, to name but a few marginalized groups within larger society and within queer communities and film production. With our curational choices, we hope to counteract these oppressive structures while recognising that we meet limits, make mistakes and fail. As a first step towards more transparency regarding structural aspects, here is an overview of the countries listed for (co-)production of our selected films. Moreover, during the film invitation process, we have asked filmmakers on how they identify. While not everyone has filled out the form, an overview of the responses can be found below.

Country of Production
Short films:

Austria (1), Austria/Germany (1), Brazil (1), Brazil/Germany (1), China/USA (1), Colombia/Germany (1), Colombia/Switzerland (1), Czech Republic (1), Finland (1), France (4), France/Morocco (1), France/Qatar (1), Germany (10), Germany/Austria (1), Germany/Brazil (1), Ghana (1), Guyana (1), Hong Kong (1), Italy/Germany (1), Italy/Nigeria (1), Lebanon (1), Malaysia (1), Netherlands/Finland (1), Netherlands/Poland (1), Philippines (4), Portugal (1), Switzerland (3), Thailand (1), UK (3), USA (1), USA/Germany (1), Uzbekistan/Russia/Ukraine/Germany (1)

Feature films:

Argentina (1), Brazil (1), Brazil/France/Uruguay (1), Canada (1), Canada/Philippines (1), Czech Republic/Slovakia/Austria (1), Germany (1), Greece (1), India (1), Kenya (1), Lebanon (1), Thailand (1), Turkey (1), Ukraine (1), USA/France (1)

Film Directors

Arab/North African: 1
Asian: 17
Black/African/ Caribbean: 9
Middle Eastern: 5
Latin American: 7
White: 16
Don’t know / Prefer not to say: 9
Unknown: 12

Gender identity:

Agender: 1
Cis man: 16
Cis woman: 11
Genderqueer:  4
Non-binary: 16
Trans man: 5
Trans woman: 2
Don’t know / Prefer not to say: 10
Unknown: 11

Sexual orientation:

Asexual: 1
Bisexual: 4
Gay: 10
Lesbian: 4
Pansexual: 3
Queer: 24
Straight: 4
Don’t know / Prefer not to say: 14
Unknown: 12


Yes: 7
No: 30
Don’t know / Prefer not to say: 20
Unknown: 19
