Power Alley

Sophia, a fiery and talented young woman, lives in a humble Brazilian suburb where conservative values reign. When her talents are noticed, she gets a chance for a different life. But, after some unexpected news threatens to jeopardise her future, she is faced with an overwhelming choice.

The neighbourhood is against her, but Sophia has her own community: a diverse and rebellious group determined to have fun, express themselves, define their own lives, and protect each other. In this team no one is alone. Together they are powerful.

Content notes: Pregnancy, abortion, physical violence

by Lillah Halla

Brazil, France, Uruguay, 2023

Portuguese, Spanish
(English subtitles as well as German subtitles for the Deaf and hard of hearing)

99 min.


30.05.2024 – 21:00

Ještě nejsem, kým chci být (I’m Not Everything I Want to Be)
Opening Night Shorts – Poetics of Perspective